Water purification information

What is healthy water

Views : 69826
Update time : 2021-11-09 11:04:56
Simply put, healthy water is drinking water that is beneficial to human health. The World Health Organization has established a standard for healthy water. Healthy water does not contain any substances that are toxic and harmful to the human body and have peculiar smells. The hardness of water is between 30-200 (calculated as calcium carbonate) and so on.
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization has 7 standards for healthy water:
1. It does not contain any substances that are toxic, harmful and peculiar to the human body (especially heavy metals and organic substances).
2. The water hardness should be 50-200 mg/liter.
3. Contains the right amount of minerals needed by the human body.
4. The pH value is about 7.4, which is weakly alkaline.
5. Moderate dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide in water (dissolved oxygen in water> 7 mg/L).
6. Small water clusters.
7. Water has good nutritional and physiological functions (solvency, penetration, diffusion, metabolism, emulsification, detergency).
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